Week 67: Catholic Mass

Hey everyone, the last couple weeks have been pretty good out here in Kansas. We have been reaching out to a lot of students at the college here. Sending tons of videos of what we do as well as teaching videos. 

President Ames received some revelation this last week and has set our mission baptismal goal for 600. We were all surprised because of how big that number is, but we are all really excited and are motivated to work hard to see some miracles.

The highlight of the week: We are teaching this guy named Reese.  He goes to Benedictine which is a catholic school. We invited him to church and he said yes, as long as we come with him to Mass. So on Saturday Elder Cruz and I joined him at Mass. It was in a huge building with a ton of college kids and then it was us. It definitely was very different, and an experience I won't forget!  Luckily in return we got Reese and one of his roommates to join us at church the next day.

I've been studying a lot about Joseph Smith lately. I am reading Docterine and Covenants as well as Saints. I love learning about him and his determination to do what is right. He endured a lot of tribulation and pain throughout his life, but still trusted the Lord and put him first. 

I hope everyone will have a good week! Go Chiefs! #runitback

Elder Miller


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