Week 42

Hey everyone! This was a fun week! It involved lots of meetings, district councils, and lots of food! We were able to teach JD and Reed lots this week and they are getting baptized this week on Friday and Saturday! We are so excited for them!

One cool thing that happened this week was we were at Walmart because Elder Scott said he needed some new headphones. He found some fake airpods for like 20 dollars and so he decided to get them. When the worker was ringing up the price of them, they turned out to be only 5 dollars. So I decided to snag some as well and so did the worker. When Elder Scott and I were about to leave the store we both felt promted to go back and give him a pass a long card. So we sprinted back and gave him one. He had a stroke not too long ago and seemed like he could use some gospel light in his life. He was super nice to us and accepted the card. Hopefully he will give us a call.

This week I was reading in the book of Enos. It is a very short book but very powerful and can teach many good lessons. I love Enos's example of desire. He wanted more then anything to be forgiven of his sins and to feel clean inside. His example teaches me that if I have the desire and faith I can accomplish anything that I want to. I love when he asked the lord "Lord how is it done?" And He responds back and says because of your faith in Christ who you have never seen. I know that we all can receive a remission of our sins.  By having a desire to change and be better and by faith in our Saviors atonement we can be forgiven.

I love this gospel, I love Jesus Christ. I love being able to share about him with others what a blessing it has been to me. 

Elder Miller


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