Week 24

Hey everyone! I wanted to start out by giving my older sister Emilee a shout out. Happy Birthday!!! Love you Em!! Hope you have a good birthday week. Hahaha! This week was very similar to my last one...it involved being inside all day, lots of scripture study and reading, trying to call some of our investigators and set up phone lessons, and lots of cooking! If you know me, you know that the key to my heart is food, especially good food. So this Quarantine has forced us to get creative and has taught me how to cook some good meals. We have had a lot of fun making some good food and is one of the things we all look forward to in our day. I want to say something to all my buddies that have been sent home from their missions and are quarantined and are waiting to be reassigned. I love you all. You all have been such good influences on me growing up and have played a huge role in my life, and are a huge reason I chose to serve a mission. You ar...